We will try our best to reply your emails as soon as possible. However, we will prioritise email regarding Theme features and issues.
We will reply your email regarding Theme features and issues within 24 hours. Regarding emails about template customisation, we will reply you within 48 hours (but normally much sooner).
Your opinions is highly appreciated and help us built better products.
Thank you, HaloThemes Team.
AnswerYes it is.
AnswerPlease make sure that you follow below steps:
1/ Download the package from your account (the file is in zip format)
2/ Extract the file you've just downloaded.
3/ Find this file: spark-1.0.0-sections-ready.zip in the folder Spark Sections Ready 1.0.0, then you just need to upload spark-1.0.0-sections-ready.zip file to your Shopify store.
To save your time and reach our support quickly, please follow below steps:
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